Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Ride of Freedom

To continue with blogging about things that happend a week ago, last monday my middle son, Nathan, rode his bike for the first time without training wheels. It was an awesome experience. For whatever reason i don't remember too much about Ryon's first time mostly because he did it on his own. Ryon did it during the winter and rode down the cleared sidewalk and used the snow banks to crash into.
Nathan kept putting off his first attempt. I think it was all in his head. It's weird cause he's the risk taker, the climber, the crazy one. But for some reason he was pretty apprehensive about the bike thing.
We did a few tries in the morning that involved me getting him on the bike and running behind him with my hand under the saddle keeping him upright. It was clear he truly didn't understand the physics of it. He would lean way to one side and stop pedaling. After a few tries we decided to take a break. I could tell he was starting to get it though.
Later in the afternoon we went out to try again. This time on the second try I let go and he was on his own. About 7 or 8 more runs insued. The joy on his face was incredible. It was amazing. It reminded me how much fun riding a bike is and what freedom it brings. Nathan has now caught the feeling of Delirium.
One of the best moments is when half way down the hill he would ask me to let go and i would say that I let go way at the top and he would just giggle with delight.
What a day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We SO have to get together soon! I'm thinking we should have a follow-up BBQ for us local alumni! I think maybe I'll start throwing out some ideas (and emails). I cannot believe your children are so grown up already!! Awesome video!