Monday, November 12, 2007

New Cycling Term

So i came up with a new cycling term the other day. Actually I was listening to the local sports radio station and they were talking about the chicago bulls and how one player had a great game and had gotten a bunch of rebounds. They refered to him as pogo, as in pogo stick.

As soon as they uttered that word I laughed out loud because it is the perfect description of some riders. There's one in particular that when he gets going out of the saddle or tries to animate a race there's no other word to describe his technique as well as the sound his bike makes. Pogo.

The perfect example of this was during the first fall fling crit. All of a sudden i hear this noise from behind and without even looking i think to myself, i wonder if that is rider x. sure enough he comes bounding past me in a way that's best described as somebody riding a pogo stick. left, right, left, right, and i swear to god he's actually bouncing.

so the tip for the day is don't be a pogo.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Rocky to be sanctioned

Found this on the onion today. This just makes you ask if they need to investigate kevin constner for his performances in American Flyers.

<i>Rocky II</i>, <i>III</i>, <i>IV</i> Decisions Overturned After Stallone Caught With Performance-Enhancing Drugs

The Onion

Rocky II, III, IV Decisions Overturned After Stallone Caught With Performance-Enhancing Drugs

PHILDELPHIA— "The only way to make so much physical progress in three to five minutes is to use anabolic steroids," sports medicine expert Bruce Thurman said.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Short Update

The back is getting better. I was able to do a 3 hour endurance paced ride this week without any nerve pain down the left leg during or after. Yippee. The lower back still gets tired and I wouldn't think of doing any high intensity stuff but since the season's over, i don't have too.

So it's more easy rides and lots of back exercises. I'm gonna have abs of steel when this is all over. :)