Friday, May 25, 2007

Movie time

My ride home last night was unusual for a couple of reasons. I left work and headed over to barrington to hook up with a ride there. Because of the weather, very windy and looking like the skys were going to open up any second, only a couple of people showed up. They decided to go catch the northbranch ride which means going the opposite direction that i want to go to go home. I went with them for a while but eventually turned around when we hadn't met the northbranch guys yet.

The first weird thing was while on cuba road, i heard what basically sounded like a dog being mauled to death. It was pretty nasty. I couldn't see anything because they were on the other side of a fence but I definately heard the rustling and the yelps coming from the dog.

The second, more interesting thing was on Spring Creek road in barrington hills. As i came up to meadow hill road there was a police officer holding up traffic. Once i passed him and crested the hill there, it looked like a huge party was happening at this newly built house. The first thing that clued me to what was going on was i saw that there was distro feeder cables laying by the road and a huge production truck. The driveway had a sign on it that said "The Return." After crossing Braeburn rd i had to zig zag between 2 huge lifts with lights on them. In the field on the right there were a bunch of production trucks and about 100 cars parked there.

Once home i looked up "The Return" and found that it is a Tim Robbins movie about 3 iraq veterans returning home. Due out in 08. Should be interesting.


Unknown said...

So the sound didn't have anything to do with the movie? Or did it??? :)

Ron Cook said...

Hi Lundie,

Wow, somebody actually left a comment. I'm going to have to check this more often. :)

The dog sound was in a completely different location. It wouldn't have been as freaky if it was with the movie shoot.