Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Funny Superweek Moments

In thinking back over the three superweek races i did there are a couple of funny things that come to mind that didn't make it into my race reports.

While riding thru the feedzone at the proving grounds i watched as a rider in front of me and on the left side of the road decided it would be better to throw his bottle all the way across the road to the right side instead of just dropping it to his left. Did he throw it in a nice high arch? No. He saw an opening and threw a line drive right thru the field and bullseye, right into the crotch of some poor unsuspecting guy trying to hand up water bottles. I didn't realize required feed zone equipment included athletic supporters.

Crit racing meets PBR
I think it was during the last half on the Evanston crit. I had drifted back a little and we had just gone thru turn 2. Up ahead i hear someone yelling expletives and i look up and did not expect to see what i saw. Right in the middle of the field was a guy who was having problems with his water bottle cage. My impression was that it had broke. So what did he do? What any sensible rider would do while riding in the middle of the bunch at 25mph during a crit. He unclipped his right foot and started kicking his water bottle cage. All that was left was for him to do was put 1 arm up in the air and all the rest of us could start counting to 8.

Would you like stitches to go with your staples?
After getting all patched up from my crash at Kenosha i stood up to climb out of the back of the medic truck. What do I do? Slam my head on the top of the door. Fortunately no stitches were needed for that.

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