Monday, November 23, 2009

2009 Chicago Cross Cup #9 - Woodstock 4B's

All i can say is that it was very nice to be back racing again. I had been feeling good the last few days and i was feeling like i could have a good day but i knew my form was down after missing a couple weeks while nursing the knee. While i have no ill effects from the knee, while riding the course i knew that this would be a hard one for me. It was a fun, fast course but the short, steep uphills killed me. For whatever reason it felt like i just couldn't go uphill very well. After riding around the course during the 4A race i worked my way back to the start. As i came down a hill at the bottom there was some tall grass and it turned out that although you couldn't see it, there was a ton of water in the grass. I found the only real mud in the whole park and it wasn't even part of the course. I showed up at the start line with shoes and shins covered in mud.

For the start i wanted to be on the right side cause as you went around the baseball diamonds there was a muddy section on the left. As we started i was where i wanted to be but was getting bogged down i ended up on the left side. Luckily when we hit that patch, there was a solid section on the left so it ended up not being an issue. As we enter the woods for the first time i'm in the top 10 or so. I knew i wanted to stay right on this hill cause of the rocks and uneven dirt on the left. Well i was too far over cause i look down and right in front of my wheel is huge root. I slammed on my breaks (sorry Shawn) and of course ended up loosing a couple spots there but i'm still in the front group.

We exit the woods ride the paved path for a bit and then make the turn back into the woods for the fast descent. As we come back out of the woods up the dirt hill for no reason that i saw the rider in front of me slammed on his brakes. (what goes around comes around i guess) I almost came to a complete stop and lost 3 or 4 more spots. By the time we crested the hill there was a gap to the front group and that's the last time i saw them.

After going thru the toilet bowl and over the barriers on the back it seemed like the rest of the race i was on my own. A group of 3 or 4 caught and passed me and then a group of a couple of guys on mtb's passed me. After that i held my own until the last lap.

"Bacon Alley" was where the crowd was and they made this hill really hard by placing a barrier in the middle of it. This was brutal. By the time i would dismount i would almost come to a complete stop and then you had to run up the rest of the hill. No riding this one. Because it was hard and because i wanted to finish as best as i could i wasn't in the mood to take a handup. It was still a blast and the atmosphere was incredible but i wasn't taking anything.

On the last lap i had been passed by a rider before bacon alley but as i came over the top he had dropped his chain and so i was able to get past him. Then as we hit the last downhill sections i was able to pass another rider who had a dropped chain and then was able to hold him off at the line for 21st.

One of my favorite moments was as i was on the downhill section before the start finish line there was a spectator yelling at me as I went by. He actually noticed the uniqueness of my bike. It's an old Cannondale sm500 mtb frame with cross tires on it. As i'm flying by i hear this guy yell something like, "go cannondale!...what is that?!...26"?!..." Cracked me up.

Here's some videos...

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